I’m so excited for the jam start tonight. I’ll be ...
# korge
I’m so excited for the jam start tonight. I’ll be around to help with any occurring events. Let’s get started !!! We have around 20 participants. That’s a good number for the first jam. You have a real chance for the prizes but also a fair amount of competition.
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@Deactivated User seems sleep was not in the menu today for you
😂 ill rest 4 days in a row after the JAM!
Me too! This will be my first Game Jam and my first real game (hopefully). I heard about KorGE on the Kotliners Conf (one week ago) and I’m really excited to create a game with it. I love how easily you can build your project for multiple platforms (I checked the template so far). I have a little question (perhaps this isn’t the right place to ask it, if yes, then let me know). I joined the jam with my personal GitHub account. But it’s possible that may I got some support during the weekend (of course if it will happen, then I’m going to mention everybody in the readme at least). But is that fine? I mean I know that you can join as a team, but could be the team size changed based on the other people’s free time? Or should I/we participate with the same people from the beginning to the end?
Nice! You can participate alone and in group. We cannot know who participated from the start or the end being a fully online event. So I think it doesn’t matter. In the end we are counting and evaluating game submissions. And the prizes are for submission too
Okay, all clear. Thanks for the info! 🙌
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And of course if you have any questions during the event, we will give support here
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I knew it worth to join to the Kotlin Slack channel. 😄 (not just because of that, but it’s definitely a reason)
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Best of luck everyone! I can't join in due to work but I'll be cheering for all of you! 🤸‍♂️