Hello everyone. I stumbled upon the Korge engine w...
# korge
Hello everyone. I stumbled upon the Korge engine when someone posted about the Koge engine (which has since changed name to something completely different). I was just fascinated by the fact that you guys had made a game engine targeting native, which seems super cool to me. I still dabble with libgdx and will continue to do so... but I like what I see.
Hi Tommie. @Deactivated User is best suited to answer your coding questions. Thanks for your interest. Feel free to post any further questions when you decide to dive more into KorGE :)
Will do!
Thanks for the compliments Tommie. If at some point you want to switch, or to start a new project with KorGE, we are here to solve and the questions that might arise :)
And in my opinion (having done a bit in libgdx) you should :)
Haha, well, libgdx was a horror story until I discovered one could use Kotlin for it and the excellent libktx libraries for more kotlin-esque patterns for coding. But I can't lie, an engine written to be Kotlin from the start is just awesome. But I first have to check if making an UI is easier with Korge than with libgdx (it can't possibly be much harder)... 😉
You heard about our gamejam this week ? Maybe it’s a good opportunity to have some fun https://blog.korge.org/2020/05/korge-game-jam.html
I have indeed. It sounds like a ton of fun, but I will be celebrating a friends 50th birthday and there is just no way I can participate. This time.
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