It seems that during dynamic loading of IDEA plugi...
# korge
It seems that during dynamic loading of IDEA plugin it doesn't always register its stuff. I've launched IDEA, installed the plugin, became glad it doesn't require IDE restart, then tried to create the project and didn't found corresponding Korge option. Then restarted IDE and Korge appeared in New Project wizard. Disabled the plugin, restarted IDEA, then enabled it and checked New Project again to see no Korge there. Restarted once again, Korge was there. Am I missing something obvious or should I report this to Github? This is of course minor issue which doesn't prevent one getting started with Korge in any way :)
Intellij takes a while to get everything needed
I also installed intellij for the first time yesterday. it took like 15-20 mins download everything and set up the project. It kept downloading a ton of stuff in the background task window. This is how I expect Intellij handles new project setup + new plugin installation. So, normal and expected, if irritating
As far as im concerned, it requires restart because it has some components that are not compatible with hot loading
I see, thanks!
👍 1
BTW why do you think it supported hot loading? It didn't request you to restart? (To see if we can do something to make it clearer)
No, that's why I expected it to appear -- it didn't ask to restart IDEA.
👌 1