Does anyone have any idea when the next stable ver...
# compose
Does anyone have any idea when the next stable version of Compose is set to be released? I'd like to upgrade to Kotlin v1.7.0 but this issue is blocking it.
The next stable version does not support 1.7.
If you really only want to use stable versions then you will have to wait for a stable compose compiler version that support 1.7.
Hard to have an exact date. The CL with 1.7.0 support is mostly ready, modulo some back and forth discussions about some sketchy gradle attributes and suppressed build messages. Stable Compose Compiler build should be available soon-ish (will take some time for us to merge and cut builds and validate them, etc). In the mean time, you can use the pre-release builds available at:
Hey @jim thanks for the answer, I’m using
on Compose
, but I got an exception at runtime, do we have any dev artifact for compose itself?
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Compose Runtime internal error. Unexpected or incorrect use of the Compose internal runtime API (Start/end imbalance). Please report to Google or use
No, you shouldn't need to use any dev artifact for Compose itself. Did this problem get worse with the new compiler? That is, did the same code work with the old version of Compose and start failing with the new one? The reason I ask, is that I suspect you're hitting but that exception is generic enough that it's hard to be sure, and I want to make sure we didn't do something to make the bug more common. Usually the bug comes up if you have inline functions and/or have a
statement in your composable function. Avoiding
statements often fixes the issue.
I should have not made any change to the Compose code I'll double check this, thanks 🙏 If that may be relevant, I also updated Koin from beta to stable
No other changes. I was on Compose beta03 at last proven working code as well
in Compose code as well
Hmm, that is a little bit concerning. Can you try to create a minimal repro that works on beta03 but fails with the new compiler? That way I can reproduce the issue and dig a little deeper.
Not sure I can make a minimal repro, as it’s a large project and I wouldn’t know how to repro on a new project 😄 If that can help I can make a MR on my project where I only update to Kotlin 1.7 ( and relative compiler )
I know it’s not very professional, but it’s the best I can provide ( UI tests would probably fail soon as well on CI ), let me know if I can do more