My newVm keeps getting it's `init {}` block. My fi...
# compose
My newVm keeps getting it's
init {}
block. My first two thoughts were to either use a
remember {}
or a LaunchedEffect. But both don't work. Any ideas?
Copy code
    scaffoldState = complexBottomSheetState,
    sheetContent = {
          ) {
            Log.e("ABC", "creating new VM?")
            val newVm = hiltViewModel<ComplexBottomSheetViewModel>()
            MyComplexBottomSheet(viewModel = newVm)
I'd check what hiltViewModel does. If it were a simple function that returns an object it makes sense that it gets called repeatedly since there's nothing remembering it across recompositions.
the documentation reads "returns an existing viewmodel or creates a new one" so it should return the same instance each time as long as this block is in the composition
Yeah I also see that in here it’s also used without remember or something like that. Not sure what it could be then.
if remember doesn’t work, the problem is probably not the viewModel
Only this VM specifically right? It might be the Scaffold as recomposition can be sometimes weird within that component😄
idk. it is very weird. remember should work no matter how bad you screw up. Maybe you have two viewmodel instances somehow ? no idea