My textfield still hides behind the IME keyboard, ...
# compose
My textfield still hides behind the IME keyboard, why this is P4 issue I don’t understand. any solution?
As you can see in the last comment :
Thank you all the comments. As a side note So P4 is priority unknown or not checked, but
-not important-.
It's not actually a P4 – the "Priority" field on buganizer is very misleading, it has a very specific internal meaning and interaction with other systems so we don't use it for actual prioritization for compose text issues. Unfortunately, the way we track actual priority is not visible externally.
there are already a few workaround that helps, either using last compose version 1.2.0-beta02, or switching to EditText for important fields there are some leads in the issue (adjustPan vs adjustResize, etc...)
thanks for the clarification, I’ve gone through all the possible workarounds mentioned but didn’t try using EditText so lastly I’ll try this once and see if it works.
I did it in last recourse and it should definitelly work I know it's annoying but there are so many benefits from Compose I think it can be "workarounded" until it's totally fixed others possibility are altering a bit the design to avoid textfield below keyboard (divide in multiple screens) or use some tricks to know if the keyboard is displayed (windowinsets compat manager, or known hacks)
and some interesting infos here
P4 doesn't mean anything. If there are commits (such as the initial ticket mentioned), and it is not closed, it is being worked on.
👍 2