Is there any way to preview a compose view on a na...
# compose
Is there any way to preview a compose view on a nav graph xml?
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I don't think so. Would be a feature request for the team. cc @nosuid
Why do you need to preview a compose view on a nav graph? If you application has nav graph implementation it is easy to go to compose.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think OP is referring to the Navigation Editor feature that visualizes the nav graph XML in a diagram
Correct, I still do not understand why we need to preview a compose view there
Because currently after you migrate to Compose, it goes from showing the app nicely (as in the attached picture), to all screens just showing an error.
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I liked having an overview of the structure of my app here, and with Compose it's gone.
@Ronald Toshkollari because it’s much easier for someone joining the project to see the actual screen in the “screen map” than just names with black boxes
@Chris Sinco [G] I assume since the cc'd person didn't show up, no movement happened here? blob smile I'd be interested in starring the issue if any exists.
Yes no movement yet - let me see if an existing feature exists
Could one be created then? 🙂
Yea please do