Idea: 1-to-1 mapping from Compose to SwiftUI makin...
# compose
Idea: 1-to-1 mapping from Compose to SwiftUI making Compose a cross-platform UI framework with KMM (no UI duplication).
What if there is no one to one mapping between these two different toolkits?
Can probably drop the "What if" part of your message
😄 5
Maybe not exactly that, but Redwood looks interesting in that aspect!
There's not a great one-to-one mapping, but it would be cool to try to make a common API that uses Compose on Android and SwiftUI on iOS. One big challenge is lack of Swift interop in K/N, but in theory, it should be doable to make a library that uses each. Your public API would likely have to be different, though, and you'd have to update often to keep up with Compose updates.
@Landry Norris what is k/n?
Kotlin native
Yes. Jetbrains often refers to the compilers as Kotlin/Native, Kotlin/JVM, Kotlin/JS, Kotlin/WASM. I’ve been using Kotlin/Native a lot, so it’s easier to shorten it to K/N