Is it possible to overlap two elements in a Surfac...
# compose
Is it possible to overlap two elements in a Surface, and for them to both be centred? With my current code, one element pushes the other one to the top left. I was expecting both to be stacked in the centre... I know I can do that with a Box, but I have to use a Surface. More in thread.
I am using the Konfetti library and apparently it only works if the Composable is in a Surface. The problem is that the confetti Composable pushes the Text to the top left of the row. Here is my code:
Copy code
            horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
            verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
        ) {
             Surface(Modifier.fillMaxSize(), color = Color.Transparent) {
                        Text(text = resultString!!)
Box or constraint layout can be used
Do you mean use a Box inside the Surface?
Box lays out one on top of other in Z order
No, it doesn't work because the ShowCelebration Composable only works if it is in a Surface...
Thanks anyway!
Ok for your use case you can still use box on top of ShowCelebration and set box background transparent and place text inside it, make sure box is maxsize
Thanks, that worked! 😊
apparently it only works if the Composable is in a Surface
Could you elaborate on what isn’t working? Surface under the hood is just a Box with MaterialTheme colors passed as CompositionLocals and parameters to set elevation
today i learned 1
I only managed to get the animation to show when using a Surface. When I use a Box it doesn't show. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong...
Maybe I needed to use a Transparent Box in the first place
Hmm were the Composables still there in the hierarchy and the colors were just not showing?
That's correct.