Why cannot we change the x,y coordinates of compos...
# compose
Why cannot we change the x,y coordinates of composables with modifiers?
You can with the offset modifier
Please see this. The touch location and the object being dragged are different. I think this is a problem.
There's no code here, so you are asking to diagnose the problem in the dark
👍🏻 1
Here I am updating an offset state and using it with the offset() modifier. But, besides the first time I drag the object away from the original location, the pointer location is different from the offset.
@Kirill Grouchnikov I'm sorry. Here's the code:
Copy code
var offsetX by remember{mutableStateOf(0f)}
    var offsetY by remember{mutableStateOf(0f)}
                        offsetX += dragAmount.x
                        offsetY += dragAmount.y
                .offset{IntOffset(x=offsetX.roundToInt(), y = offsetY.roundToInt())}
                .border(1.dp, Color.Blue)
                .drawBehind {
                    drawCircle(Color.Red, size.minDimension/3)

Looks like the offset modifier needs to be first, before the pointerInput modifier
❤️ 1
Yes it solved the problem. Can I have an explanation why this happens? I know orders matter, but here it's a bit tricky to explain.
In this case, the offset needs to be applied first because everything after is the UI element you want to move. You can paste this snippet into Studio and play around with the order of offset and pointerInput to see the different outcomes:
Copy code
fun DragTest() {
    MaterialTheme {
        var offsetX by remember{ mutableStateOf(0f) }
        var offsetY by remember{ mutableStateOf(0f) }

        Surface {
            Box(Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
                        .border(4.dp, Color.Green)
                        .pointerInput(Unit) {
                            detectDragGestures{ change, dragAmount->
                                offsetX += dragAmount.x
                                offsetY += dragAmount.y
                        .offset { IntOffset(x = offsetX.roundToInt(), y = offsetY.roundToInt()) }
                        .border(1.dp, Color.Blue)
                        .drawBehind {
                            drawCircle(Color.Red, size.minDimension/3)
                ) {}
With that snippet above, dragging is only applied when dragging from the green square.