Is there a way do to shared element transitions?
# compose
Is there a way do to shared element transitions?
nope 1
Wow I just realised in this list that chips are not yet on Compose
You can do both of those today, it's just fairly manual
For Chips is quite simple, that’s why I’m surprised it’s not there yet, but I understand that the official implementation needs a lot of work, so I don’t mind. For the shared transition I remember seeing some repo based on early compose versions but unfortunately I wasn’t able to adapt everything to most recent ones, so I was hoping for something official, but I see it’s on the roadmap 🙂
Wait, but there are Chip and FilterChip. What do you mean by "are not yet on Compose", @Tgo1014?
@Valentin Gusselnikov my bad for not trying it, I just opened the Roadmap liink and it’s there, so I thought it wasn’t on the library yet
I guess they didn't updated roadmap yet 🙂
Shared element transition is definitely in focus - it's been my focus these days. 😛 @Tgo1014 Is there a specific shared element transition that you are trying to build? I'd love to see a mock if you don't mind sharing.
@Doris Liu thanks for your efforts ♥️ I'm trying a very simples transition. I've a list with movies posters and when clicking on it to see details I would like the poster to transition to the movie details screen
Basically like this

Cool! Thanks for sharing! I'll add this to my prototype list to make sure it's well supported. 🙂
🙌🏽 1
If you have more elaborate examples that you could share, I'd love to see them too.
is the api going to cover transition between compose-navigation destinations?
is the api going to cover transition between compose-navigation destinations?
Yes, that's one of the important use cases we are aiming to support. Do you have a specific use case of sharing something between compose-navigation destinations in mind?
👌 1
I’m thinking the usual Scaffold elements and list/detail interactions • ListItem -> Item Detail Image/Title/Text (similar to above example) • TopBar (think animation up icon) • BottomBar (show/hide) Do these make sense?
The first two make sense. I'd love some clarification on the 3rd one - How would you use shared element for BottomBar show/hide?
Do you have a specific use case of sharing something between compose-navigation destinations in mind?
Since this is still in focus, would love to add on this. My use case : Have a card in List view , tapping would open the bottomsheet, and this card should animate position to the top of bottomsheet.