I’m sure there are some people here who have imple...
# compose
I’m sure there are some people here who have implemented ExoPlayer in their Compose UIs, so a quick question: this coming weekend I’m planning to implement it in my side project and I have an idea in my mind of how I will do it.. but I am looking for any tips or anything to watch out for and avoid, from those who have already walked this path 😄
We have this: https://github.com/GetStream/stream-chat-android/blob/main/stream-chat-android-com[…]/android/compose/ui/attachments/preview/MediaPreviewActivity.kt It's not really using an ExoPlayer, rather the default VideoView, as we're building an SDK and we want it to be as light as possible. Not much to think about, make sure you remember the view if possible so that it's not recreated in state changes
thanks a lot for that reference code, really appreciate it actually, your comment about using a standard VideoView instead of ExoPlayer is just as useful as your example code.. it has me re-thinking if I really even need ExoPlayer and everything that comes with it 🤔 thanks again!
Google talked about using ExoPlayer couple days ago in Google I/O