Why does this keeps recomposing `Button` slot's co...
# compose
Why does this keeps recomposing
slot's content and printing "recomposing"?
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MaterialTheme {
  val handler = { _: TextLayoutResult -> }

fun MyButton(handler: (TextLayoutResult) -> Unit) {
  val state by flowOf("two", "three").collectAsState("one")
  Button(onClick = {}, enabled = state == "two") {
    println("recomposing content")
    Text(text = "Button", onTextLayout = handler)
If I remove "handler" parameter recomposition happens only once. Is there a way to somehow mark "handler" as stable?
Try using
remember { flowOf("two", "three") }.collectAsState("one")
ohh, right. I was investigating a weird recomposition which happens if I pass a lambda into a slot. Tried to come up with a minimal example and produced a compromised one 🙂 Will try further. In my case state flow is not recreated — for sure
I am not sure if a lambda supports
. I think, setting a lambda variable inside a recomposition is not supported.
I would move the lambda outside of compose functions
But lambda is an object, so
handler == hanlder
will be
Ok, I've come up with another sample:
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fun Application() {
  val handler = { _: TextLayoutResult -> }
  MaterialTheme {
    val state by remember { flowOf("two", "three") }.collectAsState("one")
    MyButton(state = state, handler = handler)

fun MyButton(state: String, handler: (TextLayoutResult) -> Unit) {
  Button(onClick = {}, enabled = state == "two") {
    println("recomposing content")
    Text(text = "Button", onTextLayout = handler)
This uses
and it keeps recomposing the slot even though handler doesn't change and slot uses only handler. This keeps happening even if I move
to be a top-level file scoped variable
If the dependencies of a lambda didn’t change, the same lambda instance will be used so it
the previous one.
In my latest sample above lambda is the same, but it still recomposes for some reason. this happens even if I modify sample to pass
() -> Unit
lambda to some
inner to the slot.
Oh, nice hint, thanks! I'll try to use this, heard of it, will read up. I hope it works with 1.1.x compose
yep we use the metrics with 1.1.x of compose
the tooling around it is not available until newest android studio canary I believe
but you can still read the output
I think lambdas should be optimized in that case to keep the same instance (it doesn't capture any values) About flow, and collecting as state, I believe you restart it on every composition, because you remembered flow, and not resulting state, resulting in re-subscription to flow and recomposition as state updates each time. Most likely, you are looking for:
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remember { flowOf(...).collectAsState("one") }
Note that state is created inside remember in that case.
It still looks a bit weird to me, as handler never changes, so it shouldn't really be recomposing Most likely it triggers something inside measure pass that forces recomposition, but not sure what exactly