I am implementing a low version of the real-time b...
# compose
I am implementing a low version of the real-time blur effect and it works well in most cases? But currently, I’m having problems with the coordinates on the
, as shown in the video, when a page is moved to the edge of the screen the image cuts out, after troubleshooting this seems to be caused by
returning the coordinates of a second pager...
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Left & right coordinate changes: • Initial left, right:
175, 1265
• To the left edge:
0, 1089
• First-page overflows to left and second-page shows:
1439, 1440
This is confusing me, how should I make
return only the coordinates of its own page? This is probably the biggest bug at the moment, there are a few minor bugs, once they are solved this should complement the missing blur library in the compose ecology, so any help would be appreciated! cheers
I'm not sure where to start looking, but I'd love to see this in androidx upstream 😍😍
I think so too, but unfortunately the Compose team doesn't seem to want to adapt to the lower versions 😔, there is a ticket left over: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/166927547
If you can somehow make this a modifier and a library I think it'd be a big hit!
Yeah, it will be a library, but first I think I need to get rid of some annoying bugs 😫
Good luck. I'm more than happy to try it out if you have a gist or something. 😄 I'm also willing to become a contributor on github if you get this going. This would solve a lot of design issues for my team. 😅
Interesting! maybe I’ll upload it to github today, but first I need to think of a name for the library 😁
Library naming is probably harder than creating the library itself. 😂 Good luck. Let me know.
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Keep it simple, call it something compose-blur or something of the sort
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Easy for discovery when people are searching for something like this
And in terms of upstreaming, if it's performant enough, I'd hope it could be a possibility
I think that was the main reasoning from what I gather
Any luck getting a gh link up?
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Coming soon, after cleaning up the code I’ll upload it, unfortunately it still has many issues left to fix 😔 I’ll paste the link here once it’s uploaded
Awesome sauce!