`@Suppress("INVISIBLE_MEMBER")`is my new friend wh...
# compose
`@Suppress("INVISIBLE_MEMBER")`is my new friend when working with compose (allows to use `internal`declarations in different module).
☝️ 2
Wow this is amazing, thanks for sharing. Really helpful for material3.
What internal declarations are you using? This seems dangerous
I am using it a lot now to copy material3 classes into my project to make fixes or modifications. With this annotation I don’t need to copy as much as without it (for example all of the token classes). It is really helpful. Hopefully in the future the token classes are made public as currently it does not allow for customisations.
Have you filed a bug/feature request? Would be a good signal to the material3 team that the current APIs aren’t enough.
It was already reported by someone else, no response so far if this could be changed: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/218092223