Hello here! I'm working on the dropdown for my de...
# compose
Hello here! I'm working on the dropdown for my design system with jetpack compose but I don't have an elevation when I test it with Android API 22 but it works perfectly with recent versions. Any ideas why? 🤔
I would love to understand this too since there is no elevation for popup dialogs for me only on API 26 😅
cc @Nader Jawad
I'm messaging folks internally to find the owner of the drop-down APIs to help investigate
🙏 3
In the meantime would you mind filing a big and including the sample composable in question?
Guess big is for bug? ^^
I’ll create it now and I already published a sample github project to reproduce the bug: https://github.com/GerardPaligot/dropdown-sample
Note that I make more tests and the shadow isn’t present only with Android 21 and 22 (Lollipop). I don’t know if you want to be compatible with this version which is very old now and not very used... 🤔