In my composable screen I'm doing this. ```val opt...
# compose
In my composable screen I'm doing this.
Copy code
val options: List<String> = (1..21).map { it.toString() }
should I wrap the
Copy code
(1..21).map { it.toString() }
in a remember? I'm tempted to file a lint request so that android studio just flags all of these creations as most likely should be wrapped in a remember block.
This feels like something maybe you could do in a another layer? i.e viewModel/usecase and then pass to your composable via state.
I agree in that sense. Like I should/would typically have this stuff come from an AAC VM. but in this case I just decided not to, and it works fine because its a small toy app. but yeah. im just trying to see if im doing something wrong.
for example. the android docs show this. which is where i copy pasta'd and now im curious whether i should remember {}
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If it changes between recompositions or is derived from a parameter or data structure that also changes then yes.
So it doesn't really change. It's just populating the fields in a dropdown. But the list I'm creating is a list of years (year picker drop down composable is what im creating) so it has a range of 100 years. technically speaking, on every recomposition itd be allocating a new list of 100 items i suppose?
Good question. Since the menu likely hides and shows based on the exposed dropdown state I'm not sure. @Zach Klippenstein (he/him) [MOD] might have more insight
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If it won’t change, i would probably create a private function ‘rememberYearOptions’, and use as a default parameters. Typically it’s fine not to do that, but 100 items i guess it would be beneficial to use remember, more than not using it i suppose
Ignoring other considerations (like whether this is the right layer, how hot this composable is), it really doesn’t matter too much. Very easy to change later if you measure performance/allocations and see this is problematic. I would think in a typical case this sort of thing would eventually end up getting refactored into a higher layer (e.g. VM) or a state holder, which makes the question moot anyway.
I don’t actually know which is objectively better in your specific – you’d have to do some profiling to answer that question.
Cool. Okay. That works for me. I just wanted to make sure its not something where its like "oh dear god why aren't you remember{}'ing that thing"
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Now if it were 101 items…
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