to any Googlers awake at the moment: when filing a...
# compose
to any Googlers awake at the moment: when filing a bug, should my reproduce project just be a zip file or is a git repo fine?
Git repos are great if that's enough to repro đŸ™‚
If a repro on compose requires a git repo but not a composable function, i wonder if that repro is too big. When there is a big app it is a more time consuming to debug. If you can help us reducing repro to a minimum state, it helps a lot.
that’s an interesting insight @Siyamed, I had not considered providing a Composable only.. but now that you mentioned it and I look at my repro code, I realise it is just a single Composable anyway. the only other thing required to see the bug is
in the
. perhaps I can just file the bug with the Composable code only, and a note in the issue which says you need to have
set. would that be simpler for the team?
submitted with a code block only, no full project necessary: