[SOLVED] Is it correct behavior that the shadow of...
# compose
[SOLVED] Is it correct behavior that the shadow of the Card is cut off at the top edge? You might have to zoom-in to notice it.
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Column(modifier = Modifier
    .verticalScroll() // this causes the clipping
) {
    Card(elevation = 16.dp) {}
It looks like it’s clipping to the padding of the parent? I tried to replicate it with a fresh project but I couldn’t get it to repo.
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setContent {
    CardTestTheme {
        // A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
            color = MaterialTheme.colors.background
        ) {
            Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(24.dp).fillMaxSize()) {
                Card(elevation = 16.dp) {
                    Box(modifier = Modifier.padding(12.dp)) {
                            style = MaterialTheme.typography.h5,
                            text = "Connection and Communication"
This is on a phone running Android 12 using compose version 1.1.1
@bohregard Thanks for your investigation. I missed something. Can you add .
to the parent Container. I just figured out that it only happens when this Modifier is set.
I have adjusted my initial post
So it’s an issue of modifier order then
you want your vertical scroll modifier to come before the padding modifier since they apply in the order you write them
Moving that up should fix that issue
You are an awesome cat bohregard <3
cat on keyboard
❤️ 1