Hey all, I’m trying to do a bounce animation to an...
# compose
Hey all, I’m trying to do a bounce animation to an image. This image is placed inside a box. The box is the Composable that handles the click and should start the animation on the image inside it. I created the
function, an extension of Modifier. The
function receives a
boolean that indicates if I should start the animation. I wonder if there is a better way to do that and move the
boolean into the Modifier. With my current implementation, I need to define a
boolean in every place that wants to use my bounce function. Maybe there is a way to catch the click event on both Box and Modifier? I attached some code examples in the first reply
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the box:
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fun SaveButton(saved: Boolean = true, modifier: Modifier, onClickListener: () -> Unit ) {
    val interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
    var shouldBounce by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }

        modifier = modifier
                color = Color.Black,
                shape = CircleShape
                interactionSource = interactionSource,
                indication = null,
                onClick = {
                    shouldBounce = true
    ) {
            saved = saved,
            modifier = Modifier
            shouldBounce = shouldBounce,
            onBounceAnimationEnd = {
                shouldBounce = false
The image
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fun SaveIcon(saved: Boolean = true, modifier: Modifier, shouldBounce: Boolean = false, onBounceAnimationEnd: () -> Unit) {
    val savedRes = R.drawable.save_with_border
    val saveRes = R.drawable.save_outline_with_border

        painterResource(if (saved) savedRes else saveRes),
        contentDescription = "Save",
        modifier = modifier.bounce(
            bounce = shouldBounce,
            finishedListener = { onBounceAnimationEnd() }
bounce func:
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fun Modifier.bounce(
    shouldBounce: Boolean = false,
    finishedListener: ((Float) -> Unit)? = null
) = composed {
    val bounceFloat by animateFloatAsState(
        targetValue = if (shouldBounce) 1.25f else 1f,
        animationSpec = repeatable(
            iterations = 1, // iteration count
            animation = tween(durationMillis = 300),
            repeatMode = RepeatMode.Reverse
        finishedListener = finishedListener

        scaleY = if (shouldBounce) bounceFloat else 1f,
        scaleX = if (shouldBounce) bounceFloat else 1f
The way I use it inside the screen
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fun SaveButtonScreen() {
    var saved by rememberSaveable{ mutableStateOf(false) }
        modifier = Modifier
            .padding(16.dp)) {
            modifier = Modifier,
            saved = saved,
            onClickListener = { saved = !saved})

I didn’t quite understand. But, something like this helps you:
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fun Modifier.bounce(onClick: () -> Unit): Modifier {
    return this.then(
        Modifier.composed {
            val bounce = remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
                enabled = bounce.value,
                onClick = {
                    bounce.value = false,
Hi @myanmarking thanks for you answer. I tried this, but because the Box handles the click event, the clickable inside the modifier is not being called.
Do you want the icon to bounce once? And do you want the animation to end when saved == true or when the bounce actually ends based on duration, or both?
And is the bouncing meant to be a progress indicator or a visual feedback response to the click event?
@Chris Sinco [G] it should be visual feedback for the click event and bounce only once. The animation should start when the user clicks on the box and end based on the duration.
Gotcha. So not sure if you still want a reusable bounce Modifier, but I think this sample code does simplify things, using the Animatable API. Here, every click event will restart the animation, since you have more granular control with Animatable.
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fun BounceButton(
    favorite: Boolean = false
) {
    val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
    val animatedScale = remember { Animatable(1f) }
        onClick = {
            scope.launch {
                animatedScale.animateTo(targetValue = 1.25f, animationSpec = tween(300))
                animatedScale.animateTo(targetValue = 1f, animationSpec = tween(300))
    ) {
            imageVector = if (favorite) Icons.Default.Favorite else Icons.Default.FavoriteBorder,
            contentDescription = null,
            modifier = Modifier.scale(animatedScale.value)
Here, you don’t have to track event listeners for animation or maintain state if the icon should bounce, which I think is simpler for your visual feedback use case.
Thanks @Chris Sinco [G] for your answer! The issue is that I might use this bouncing icon inside other containers. We have a few types of save buttons around the app. This is why I wanted to make the icon reusable
Right. I think you should be able to extract the code above into something more reusable. Maybe not as a Modifier, but as a Composable function with a content slot
So actually since the content of your Box is what you want to scale, moving the custom modifier up into the Box + adding the Animatable code I suggested works.
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fun Modifier.bounceContent(
    onClick: () -> Unit = {}
) = composed {
    val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
    val interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
    val animatedScale = remember { Animatable(1f) }

        interactionSource = interactionSource,
        indication = null,
        onClick = {
            scope.launch {
                animatedScale.animateTo(targetValue = 1.25f, animationSpec = tween(300))
                animatedScale.animateTo(targetValue = 1f, animationSpec = tween(300))
        scaleY = animatedScale.value,
        scaleX = animatedScale.value
Then you would use the custom modifier like this:
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fun BounceSample(
    favorite: Boolean = false
) {
    Column {
            modifier = Modifier
                .background(Color.Black, CircleShape)
                .bounceContent { println("bounce heart") },
            contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
        ) {
                imageVector = if (favorite) Icons.Default.Favorite else Icons.Default.FavoriteBorder,
                contentDescription = null,
                tint = Color.White,
                modifier = Modifier
            modifier = Modifier
                .background(Color.Yellow, RoundedCornerShape(4.dp))
                .padding(horizontal = 8.dp, vertical = 4.dp)
                .bounceContent { println("bounce column")}
        ) {
            Text("This text will grow")
            Text("This text will grow")
Resulting in the below. The one limitation is this custom modifier won’t work on components like Surface and Button that take onClick as a parameter, since in their implementations they would override whatever clickable modifier you’re trying to apply
Thanks a lot @Chris Sinco [G]! it looks better now, and the code is much cleaner! I wonder how the bounce animation works on the child although we apply it on the container?
I believe it is because Modifiers actually affect the content of a Composable, that is they modify what the Composable emits. For example, the padding modifier applies padding around the content/children before drawing the children. In our case with this bounce modifier, it applies them all in order, with the last one specifying to transform the content on click.
I might not be explaining this super well, so maybe @Zach Klippenstein (he/him) [MOD] can add more insight
So you know how composables and layout nodes form trees, so do graphics layers (i.e. RenderNodes). When you add a graphics layer to an element (via the
modifier), that layer is used for all drawing and coordinate transforms for everything below it: any modifiers that come after it on the current element, and any elements that are a child of the modified one. You can put a graphics layer at the root of your app and any transformations applied to it will be applied to everything in your app.
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Thanks you so much for the explanation!