New compose generate crash `java.lang.IllegalArgum...
# compose
New compose generate crash
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Inconsistency between the count of nodes tracked by the state (0) and the children count on the SubcomposeLayout (3). Are you trying to use the state of the disposed SubcomposeLayout?
with LazyList. Anyone can explain more the error so I can build a repro before opening an issue ?
it is indeed an unexpected state so I don’t yet know what causes it. so the repro will be really beneficial. please also make sure you test on the latest alpha
It is with the last alpha, the question was more about what are those nodes and state so that I know what to try to repro since it does not occurs with all the Lazy. But it seems someone else opened the issue already.
Can confirm the issue here as well, anything that’s Lazy has that crash, it happens right after you start scrolling
Not anything actually, if you have a small repro please post it at as it may help.
this is a bug of new alpha release. I’ve rolled back
Rolling back never fixes issues, it just prevent you of future updates until someone else take the time to report and have the issue fixed 😉
I’ve encountered in prod. I don’t have time to extract minimum repro
Then you should probably don't use alpha things in prod 😉
I know what I can use in prod 😉