I've run into an issue with compose 1.1.1 and kotl...
# compose
I've run into an issue with compose 1.1.1 and kotlin 1.6.20 not being supported. It appears to be failing on purpose because compose is checking the kotlin version. It recommends 1.6.10 and suggests overriding suppressKotlinVersionCompatibilityCheck, but I can't get that to work because of changes in Android Studio. Has anybody run into this with 1.6.20 and most importantly, do you have a work around?
Wait until Compose officially supports 1.6.20
If you're trying to use 1.6.20 use the compiler plugin from here https://androidx.dev/storage/compose-compiler/repository
Or wait for the official release 🙂
Is it common for Compose to not support the latest stable release from kotlin? How long does it typically take for compose to support it?
The above was available the day 1.6.20 went stable
In the past it took much longer but we've had builds for the Kotlin milestone releases and RCs within a few days at most for 1.6.20
Google maven binary updates reflect moving all of androidx/jetpack to the new kotlin version and can trail by a few weeks; that's accelerating as well
Thanks for the info!
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Do you require Kotlin 1.6.20? I just set the Kotlin version in my gradle.properties and I also use this in build.gradle.
Copy code
This is what I did:
Copy code
dependencies {
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Heres a compat mapping too if you haven't seen it: https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/compose-kotlin