Hi ! My app display a table with multiple text (se...
# compose
Hi ! My app display a table with multiple text (see screenshot). I use LazyGridVertical. Each cell contains a text which will grow and will get bigger than the cell. Can I do what I want with my current implementation or should I use something else ? (in the exemple, if the
grow up, it will be limited by the blue cell and I want it will be able to grow outside its cell)
Do you have mocks on how it should look like when cell content does not fit? It's not clear if you want the rows to get taller, or maybe the cells to go wider (fewer columns), or something else.
Yes, of course
You're showing how it looks like now. I'm asking if you have a mock on how you want it to look like. What does it mean to go out the cell bounds? That the content is displayed on top of other cells? How does that work (in your scenario) when multiple cells can't fit their content?
Sorry, only one content cell can grow up at the same time. The idea is the text should displayed on top of other cells.
go out the cell bounds -> can go on top on neighbour cells