After upgrading to the latest compose release (1.2...
# compose
After upgrading to the latest compose release (1.2.0-alpha06) the keyboard shows up everytime the app is put back into the foreground if youve "manually" brought it up previously. Just wanting to check if anyone else is able to recreate this before I post a bug report about it?
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Probably related to this
If you have a repro please add to and star the issue.
Thanks @Filip Wiesner, that sounds exactly like this! @Tolriq It happens in a pretty huge project of mine, Im having a ton of trouble with Android Studio currently so Im almost unable to run any projects Im afraid ๐Ÿ˜ž Only thing Ive noticed that wasnt in the bug report already is that it happens regardless of device, both old/new. I tried clearing out any focusRequest usage, but the issue seems to happen regardless, as long as the keyboard has been shown once by the user, it will continue popping back up everytime the app comes back into focus.
Add comment to the issue for Googlers, I have no clue about the possible cause, and despite all the attempts can't seem to be able to get any input about what we should look for to build a repro. All my simple attempts to repro did not work, so it's something else than just the textfields that trigger that.
And the issue occured before alpha 6 it was just random, now it's 100% of the time and bad experience for the users.
@Tolriq Ive added a comment with all this info and some other contextual things, fingers crossed that it can help you find the underlying issue. Let me know if you have any questions about the usages, etc.
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Well it won't be me ๐Ÿ™‚ I'm waiting for some inputs from Google to try to build a small repro, I can't pass tons of unpaid hours randomly trying things ๐Ÿ˜ž
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Oh, I'm using
to solve this
@ste Mind sharing a code snippet? Im using clearFocus but it still happens ๐Ÿฅฒ
@Zoltan Demant Not sure if this is the same issue I was facing, but whatever... Did you add
Modifier.focusRequester(remember { FocusRequester() })
to your text field?
Then, I just had to manually call
whenever the current screen was about to leave. After that, the keyboard shopped showing after screen was changed and activity resumed
Thank you, @ste. I believe Im doing exactly that too, but Ill double-check just to be sure!
are we talking about this thing, aren't we?
Yes this exactly, and funny that your UI looks mostly like mine ๐Ÿ˜›
Are you able to extract a simple repro for the tracker issue ?
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@Tolriq done
@Tolriq Phew, if it's that common I can say I didn't get heavily inspired by dribbble
Thanks for the repro but I tested the same one and it did not repro, do you do other things? Like going edge to edge or some theme settings or the resize mode?
Hmm I don't think so, I can reproduce on both my real device (A10) and emulator (A10)