Hi all, I feel stuck. I have a MainScreen-Composab...
# compose
Hi all, I feel stuck. I have a MainScreen-Composable that contains a scaffold with a fab that is changing it's actions depending on the current screen shown in Scaffold-Content. One of those screens is the AddItem-Screen Composable that contains some TextFields. When I click on the FAB (in MainScreen-Composable) I want to keep the AddItem-Screen-State (the Text-Fields-Input) and call the AddItemViewModel.onFabSaveClicked() method (both in AdddItemScreen-Viemodel). It would be a no-brainer if the scaffold was inside AddItem-Screen-Composable but now I don't know how trigger AddItemViewModel.onFabSavedClicked() from the Fab in the MainScreen-Composable.
If you’re not on AddItemScreen, wouldnt AddItemScreen-ViewModel not exist yet? You probably need to hoist what you’re doing inside AddItemViewModel.onFabSaveClicked() up a level so both screens can access it
Yes it wouldn't exist yet. The viewModels-lifecycle is scoped to the AddItem-Screen Composable. If I hoistet it up, f.e. to MainScreen-ViewModel it would get messy fast. For me that would be breaking seperations of concerns because MainScreen should not be concerned with saving new Items. What do you think?
If you need to access AddItemViewModel.onFabSaveClicked() from your MainScreen isnt it already concerned about it?
Yeah, you are absolutely right, I would rather avoid that as well. For me the best would be If I could just listen to Fab-onClick in AddItem-Screen and then call AddItemViewModel.onFabSavedClicked() from there . I don't know how to do that and I'm searching for a clean way to achieve it.
Events flow up not down, so you wont be able to do that
Your only choices are for AddItemScreen to own its own fab component, or hoist this method up a level to a shared object which both screens can access
Yeah i suspected that... That's just not a good solution imo. Nontheless I thank you very much for your thoughts and yout time to help me with this issue!
If you really wanted to pass events down you could pass your own event emitter down and have your AddItemScreen subscribe to it, but I dont think its recommended