Wondering if anyone has any advice on how I can do...
# compose
Wondering if anyone has any advice on how I can do an overlay like this? I currently have it working using this code:
Copy code
overlay = {
                    if (it.isSelected) {
                                .size(if (it.rentalLength != null) 245.dp else 222.dp)
but the size being hardcoded is obviously not ideal. Wondering if there’s an easy way to measure the size of the card my box is trying to overlay?
Have you tried using the drawBefore modifier which can draw a rectangle over content of a Composable?
I have not! I will give that a go. Thank you very much for the suggestion. 👌🎉
For some reason I’m not finding the drawBefore modifier. Could you link me to the docs? @Chris Sinco [G]
@Chris Sinco [G] Finally got around to trying your suggestion. Worked like a dream! thank you so much! What a great tool!
🎉 1