How do I put a LazyVerticalGrid in a scrollable C...
# compose
How do I put a LazyVerticalGrid in a scrollable Column. I get following exception : "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Vertically scrollable component was measured with an infinity maximum height constraints, which is disallowed. One of the common reasons is nesting layouts like LazyColumn and Column(Modifier.verticalScroll())." What is the recommended approach? I guess this is not an uncommon usecase?
What’s the end result you’re trying to achieve?
Hi Thomas, thanks for your question! I have a Filter-Dialog. It contains several lists of filters. For Each List I use a LazyVerticalGrid. The filter-lists require more space than is available on screen so I wanted to place them inside a Column and make it scrollable.
I believe you can achieve that same effect within a LazyColumn itself. Something like:
Copy code
LazyColumn {
    // Add a single item
    item {
        Text(text = "Header")

    // Add first filters list
    items(firstFiltersList) { filter ->
        Text(text = "Filter: $filter")

    // Add another single item
    item {
        Text(text = "Another Header")

    // Add second filters list
    items(secondFiltersList) { filter ->
        Text(text = "Filter: $filter")
Your filter lists would each go in their own items block and the content displayed can be different. I am by no means an expert on Lists in compose yet, but I’m pretty sure there’s no way currently to add the LazyVerticalGrid into a scrollable column.
Yeah maybe I'll go with that approach. I had those Grid-Component already available in a seperate Composable that was quite nicely designed with all the logic and I hoped to be able to just reuse it. But thanks a lot for your idea! I guess I'll go with that approach! 👌
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