here any one access to view model will be able to ...
# compose
here any one access to view model will be able to modify this directly. Which live data i use this pattern
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private val _quickLinks = MutableLiveData<List<UIQuickLink>>()
val quickLink: LiveData<List<UIQuickLink>> = _quickLinks
So that, quickLink access are only observed than posted with new values from UI, here update to quickLink happens from only view model
You can do the same for state, just expose a
instead of a
using a second property. You could also do it with a function instead of a property
@f.babic, is this how we do it ? I understood your point, however some thing is missing, this isn't working
val _registeredUsers = mutableStateListOf<UIRegisteredUser>()
val registeredUser: State<UIRegisteredUser> = _registeredUsers
I think this is how we have to do is in case of mutableStateList
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val _registeredUsers = mutableStateListOf<UIRegisteredUser>()
val registeredUser: SnapshotStateList<UIRegisteredUser> = _registeredUsers
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Is mutable 😕
Is there a reason why you use
instead of
? We're using the latter in our code and seems to work fine, haven't had issues per se.
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private val _registeredUsers = mutableStateOf<List<UIRegisteredUser>>(value = listOf())
val registeredUser: State<List<UIRegisteredUser>> = _registeredUsers
This above appears to work , however following use case we are not able to accomplish with above approach, where as with mutableStateListOf() these worked fine, however, object became insecure
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init {
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fun onUserSelected(user: UIRegisteredUser) { {
        _registeredUsers.value.toMutableStateList().let { userList ->
            userList.find { it.isSelected }?.let {
                userList.indexOf(it).also { index ->
                    userList.add(index, it.copy(isSelected = false))

            userList.find { it == user }?.let {
                userList.indexOf(it).also { index ->
                    userList.add(index, it.copy(isSelected = true))
Oh okay that makes sense - in that case you'd come back to the same thing if you went that way. I mean, instead of:
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You could have:
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_registeredUsers.value = _registeredUsers.value + mockRegisteredUsers
Basically, instead of havign a mutable list that can be changed anywhere, you use immutable lists but make sure to add/remove items from the given list and producing a new list instead. That gives you control in the ViewModel of whatever you want to do, but the rest of the world won't be able to mutate incorrectly
@f.babic i got it working with your approach, so these are the changes,
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private val _registeredUsers = mutableStateOf<ArrayList<UIRegisteredUser>>(value = arrayListOf())
val registeredUsers: State<List<UIRegisteredUser>> = _registeredUsers
I'm using ArrayList now
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fun onUserSelected(user: UIRegisteredUser) { {
        _registeredUsers.value.let { userList ->
            userList.find { it.isSelected }?.let {
                userList.indexOf(it).also { index ->
                    userList.add(index, it.copy(isSelected = false))

            userList.find { it == user }?.let {
                userList.indexOf(it).also { index ->
                    userList.add(index, it.copy(isSelected = true))
this also work fine
however @f.babic there is a catch , when the onUserSelected is called, recomposition is not happening
any input on this ?
This is because you're taking the list of items form the State, copying it and updating it in that instance. You should always push the new state/list to the property like:
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_registeredUsers.value = newValue
when you mutate the list within those
calls, you need to make sure to push the new state to the UI
@f.babic sorry to bother you this way 😢 that didn't work either UI is observing from composable for registeredUser
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SelectLoginUsersScreenContent(registeredUsers = loginViewModel.registeredUsers.value, onUserSelected = onUserSelected)
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fun onUserSelected(user: UIRegisteredUser) { {
        _registeredUsers.value.let { userList ->
            userList.find { it.isSelected }?.let {
                userList.indexOf(it).also { index ->
                    userList.add(index, it.copy(isSelected = false))

            userList.find { it == user }?.let {
                userList.indexOf(it).also { index ->
                    userList.add(index, it.copy(isSelected = true))
            _registeredUsers.value = userList
See that last line i 'm even manually setting _registeredUser.value
Could you try doing something like:
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val registeredUsers by loginViewModel.registeredUsers

SelectLoginUsersScreenContent(registeredUsers = registeredUsers, onUserSelected = onUserSelected)
Basically the way we expose state in our VMs is the following:
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private var threadMessagesState: MessagesState by mutableStateOf(MessagesState())
And then we just fetch it using an exposed property or something
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val registeredUsers by loginViewModel.registeredUsers

    registeredUsers = registeredUsers,
    onUserSelected = onUserSelected
😭 didnt work @f.babic
Why can’t you just do this?
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private val _registeredUsers = mutableStateListOf<UIRegisteredUser>()
val registeredUsers: List<UIRegisteredUser> = _registeredUsers
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i need registeredUsers to trigger recomposing when value changes
will it be possible if we use registeredUsers: List<UIRegisteredUser>?
Yep. As long as a snapshot state is read, even if not directly, it will trigger recomposition when it changes.
@Albert Chang @f.babic thank you , it worked
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private val _registeredUsers = mutableStateListOf<UIRegisteredUser>()
val registeredUsers: List<UIRegisteredUser> = _registeredUsers
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