Had some help from <@U3JQ35YQK>, wrangling filamen...
# compose
Had some help from @romainguy, wrangling filament for this, still very rough but I wrote composable wrappers for some imperative APIs for Filament's model viewer. Also these are real IoT devices I'm triggering in the office around 1k miles away in Philadelphia. I'm in Florida, and I hope no one wonders why a light is going on/off 😂
Gotta increase the indirect light intensity :)
Will do that next while it’s on my mind 😛
After that, since I just hooked up the device api, I was gonna add a ControlsProviderService 🙂
Increasing the intensity also blows it out in light mode, I guess I need to investigate inverse tone mapping as you suggested to mitigate this?
I also need to investigate lighting this with a spotlight or something to cast a shadow from the switch onto the base plate
Similar to this
You can also get some shadowing by enabling ambient occlusion
As for being blown out, reduce the intensity :)
Find the right balance between the two
Btw you can export your spot lights with gltf
Filament will import them
Ah, that's awesome to know!