Is there a way to scope an AndroidX View Model to ...
# compose
Is there a way to scope an AndroidX View Model to a composable, or does that even make sense? AFAICT, when injecting through `viewModel()`/`hiltViewModel()`, the VM is scoped to a
, which might be a nav back stack entry or a fragment or whatnot, but not an “actual” composable, if that makes sense. However, if I have a list of similar items and I want each of them to have their own instance of a same-type View Model, then I'm at a loss on how to achieve this. Any suggestions?
I read that the other day, actually, but it doesn't really account for using Dagger/Hilt to inject dependencies, and we're kind of tied into that.
True. We use Koin and I would also like to understand what it takes to integrate that approach with DI
Why do you need a
at all then? Just use a regular class.
I would like to be able to perform network requests and whatnot using Dagger-injected services from each of these View Model instances, and I would prefer having access to
You can dagger inject any class, not just viewmodels. And you can just pass the coroutine scope from the composition.
Fair. I'll definitely give it a go. 👍
I had tried this and it worked with Koin
I went with a custom class and connected it with a new Hilt
, which seems to work the way it should. Most of the reason for using Jetpack ViewModels so far has been for the convenience of
, `viewModel()`/`hiltViewModel()` and having that just automatically work, but it wasn't too much extra work to tie a regular class into Hilt and whatnot, so we might end up doing this forward. 👍