Should I use LazyVerticalGrid for production code?...
# compose
Should I use LazyVerticalGrid for production code? or achieve the same result with LazyColumn and Row as suggested.
Use it but be prepared to change your code if the APIs change in whatever way. That’s basically what that annotation tells you. It should work fine, but the API is subject to change in backwards-breaking ways.
Btw it's already stable in the latest alpha.
Actually it's for a client maybe I won't get the chance to change it later.
If you never update the compose version, then it would never be a problem anyway. But besides that, as Albert said, the API is settled in the latest Alpha. Idk if it’s changed from the version you’re using to that alpha, but if not then the API problem doesn’t exist either. One could update compose version and have it still compile just fine.
Thanks. It's a relief then. It's highly likely that compose version won't update either. So if it works now it will keep working right? By the way should I use the alpha version for production?
That’s a decision you have to make for yourself. The Alphas are noted as alphas mainly for API stability, and not quality stability afaik, but you’re always putting yourself in the risk that due to less people using it, more subtle bugs may have slipped through. While with a stable version you know that a ton more people are using it, hence probably safer.