Hi all, regarding includeFontPadding related chang...
# compose
Hi all, regarding includeFontPadding related changes b/171394808 in Version 1.2.0-alpha05, we’d love to hear your opinions and the impact on you. If you can give it a try better-er. Please let us know. aosp/1993911 has some screenshot updates showing the difference (it is mostly subtle). This prevents users to do things such as this b/171394808#comment32
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👍 1
One problem I noticed is that the line heights of western scripts and CJK scripts (or CJK-western mixed scripts) become different, which seems somewhat wired.
OK it seems that if I set
the line heights become the same. Not sure why specifying a line height conversely makes them different. (This problem will be more obvious in M3 as in M3 all default styles have an explicit line height.)
Thanks Albert, observed it. (there was a discrepancy with the first line’s line height between on/off which we fixed, but that seems to be causing the problem you mentioned)
For me everything seems pretty good and didn't even notice a difference honestly. lol
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regarding line height, I checked it again after a hot fix. however it looks more about line height than includeFontPadding. the difference seems to be more visible with includeFontPadding but it is about line height not being applied to first/last lines on Android, and the line height / leading distribution for a line. b/181155707
That is something that we will check later (maybe soon)
👍 1