How can we show ModalBottomSheet using Compose Nav...
# compose
How can we show ModalBottomSheet using Compose Navigation? This is how my Modal sheet looks like:
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fun AddressPicker(
    sheetState: ModalBottomSheetState,
    onConfirm: (Address) -> Unit
) {
        sheetState = sheetState,
        sheetContent = { AddressForm(onConfirm) }
    ) {}
Then I added this into my nav graph:
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composable(route = Screen.AddressPickerScreen.route) {
    AddressPicker(sheetState = sheetState) {
       // ...
And to show it, I used below code:
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Instead of showing the sheet content, it shows a blank canvas. What am I doing wrong?
We have Accompanist Nav Material to help you with that! Beware that it has some issues we are still working out though; it works best if your sheet content is static.
This worked beautifully. Thanks @jossiwolf
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