Some updates on the compose rewrite of an app from...
# compose
Some updates on the compose rewrite of an app from work ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ
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jetpack compose 10
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There is support for account manager here too, just need to rewire it
This is very much a side project at the moment, but once it's fully featured, we plan on presenting this to head of product, kind of a skunk works type project
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And did you use compose navigation or stick with fragments and the UI was just compose?
Not using compose navigation, I wrote a small navigation system inspired by voyager and react-navigation
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Nice transitions between screens. It reminds me iOSโ€™s native push animation
Thanks! @KamilH
Can you share your navigation system? I'd like to take a look at it
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@ildar.i [Android] a lot of it is modeled after voyager and react navigation
Those pulse animations look sweet
Thanks, a little bit of canvas and some math ๐Ÿ˜‰
Copy code
fun Pulse(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    tint: Color = LocalContentColor.current,
    active: Boolean = true,
    bounded: Boolean = true,
    count: Int = 3,
    duration: Int = 1000,
) {
    if (!active) return

    val infiniteTransition = rememberInfiniteTransition()
    val pulses = buildList {
        for (i in 0 until count) {
                initialValue = 0F,
                targetValue = 1F,
                animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
                    animation = tween(duration * count, easing = FastOutSlowInEasing),
                    initialStartOffset = StartOffset(i * duration),

    Canvas(modifier.then(if (bounded) Modifier.clipToBounds() else Modifier)) {
        val (a, b) = size
        val r = sqrt(a.pow(2) + b.pow(2)) / 2

        pulses.forEach {
            val progress = it.value

            scale(progress) {
                drawCircle(color.copy(alpha = (1F - progress) * 0.12F), r)
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today i learned 1
Not sure if this is optimal, but if theres any way to squeeze more perf out of this, do tell ๐Ÿ™‚
Looking at it I thought you are just triggering the default touch ripple.
Not sure how much control Iโ€™d have using the normal touch ripples
Plus accessibility, would I have to trigger a click, vs another option?
I haven't looked how the ripple Indication is implemented in Compose, so no clue! The effect just looks like it so if I was going to implement it I would probably look there first. But going with Canvas definitely gives you better control.
The ripple indication refers to how android draws them internally afaik