Hello everyone, I have a question, I am uploading ...
# compose
Hello everyone, I have a question, I am uploading the version of compose to 1.1.0 but it is generating errors when compiling with compileSdkVersion 30
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The minCompileSdk (31) specified in a
dependency's AAR metadata (META-INF/com/android/build/gradle/aar-metadata.properties)
is greater than this module's compileSdkVersion (android-30).
Dependency: androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling:1.1.0-rc01.
AAR metadata file: /Users/mac/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/b8977160c1c83bc23bb78b40a0700549/transformed/jetified-ui-tooling-1.1.0-rc01/META-INF/com/android/build/gradle/aar-metadata.properties.
Not sure why this may be happening, but I can tell you that we’re targeting 1.1.1 with compileSdkVersion as 30 and it works perfectly fine. Maybe consider bumping from 1.1.0-rc01 as a first step? I had misunderstood, what I said above is never true, we were using
targetSdkVersion = 30
instead, not
. More context further down in this thread!
thanks, I’m going to do it I’ll be commenting 😄
@Stylianos Gakis bro, which version use in kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion ?
@Stylianos Gakis can you share the project configuration for 1.1.1 with compilesdk 30, I am having the same error 😞 please
Doh, alright I am sorry that was my bad, I had a brain fart and though we were talking about targetSdkVersion. I see what the issue is then. Just specify a different version for targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion, like this
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compileSdkVersion = "31"
targetSdkVersion = "30"
your app will still target 30 therefore you don’t have to work on that migration right now, and your code will compile fine.
And sorry for confusing you, wasn’t my intention 😬
thank! for share info!!
Don’t worry, thank you very much for your help.
🙌 1