Has anyone figured out a way to show scroll bars i...
# compose
Has anyone figured out a way to show scroll bars in columns?
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Here’s my implementation.
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I think https://issuetracker.google.com/173001017 is the closest thing we have to a public bug tracking scrollbars in common. We have a more general internal issue but it’s linked to this one so you can probably just watch this.
@Albert Changs implementation worked great for me, why can't they just push that in the API. This is basic in the view system, being stable means you should have the core features ready, how can things like scrollbars and Animating add and remove items unavailable and expect us to push this into production without them or with a hacky version of it?
we’re hiring if you want to help out 😜
I would love to but I am far from smart enough to be on your team 🥲 So what your saying is that there are just other priorities? That's an answer I can accept.
Tons of work. I’m not smart enough to be on this team either but here i am – if you’re interested just apply 😛
Part of our prioritization looking at issue stars, so definitely please star that issue.
I will get my whole squad to star it!!!🤘🙏
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This is basic in the view system, being stable means you should have the core features ready
Yes, the features we have in 1.0.0 we do believe are core to most apps. There’s likely things we missed which we are actively working on but we didn’t want to hold back our releases to make sure we have 100% parity with Views because that is not practical given it’s a 10-year old toolkit. This is not too dissimilar to Apple’s move from UIKit to SwiftUI. There were things missing in the first launch of SwiftUI but there was enough there to build an app. The difference with Compose is you get updates to the libraries every 2 weeks (stable releases likely 3 times a year), versus once a year with SwiftUI/iOS.
The other decision making rubric we had was that if there were features missing, how much of it could be reimplemented with the current foundation libraries if developers really needed it? And looking at Albert’s implementation, that is one example where it’s very possible to build it right now and not wait on Google. But these kinds of things we would also happily accept as contributions.
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Old thread but also wanted to add we gathered data from the Material Design Components for Android (Views) team to see what specific Material components were most used by developers, to help inform priority of what needed to be in v1
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