Hi, I'm learning compose and was wondering if I ca...
# compose
Hi, I'm learning compose and was wondering if I can reuse a Modifier. I created a file 'Modifiers.kt' that contain modifiers I want to reuse, f.e.
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val dialogModifier = Modifier
But then build is failing with: @Composable invocations can only happen from the context of a @Composable function . What am I doing wrong?
can only be dereferenced inside a
Its value is not a constant like
, it’s composition-dependent. So you can’t just use it.
But you can do
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fun dialogModifier() = ...
Thank you for your help and explanation. I appreciate that! It's compiling when I refactor it as function as you proposed, but in this specific case padding gets just ignored, while background and width is applied correct.
After further investigation I realized that it's actually working when I change the order and put padding after width. If there's an explanation to that behaviour I'm glad to hear but anyway thanks so far, my issue is solved!
The order of the modifiers matters
☝🏽 1
☝️ 3
if you put padding then width then the padding is “outside” the width”, and vice versa.
Like if you put .border(Color.Red).border(Color.Blue) you will have a blue border inside a red border.
Ah, that makes sense and is actually a nice behavior! 👌 Thanks again guys! 😀
FYI: Your other option for using composable content to build modifiers is the
function. There's subtle differences in using this as opposed to just marking a function with @Composable. If you mark your function with @Composable as @Alexander Maryanovsky suggested, any composable references will be evaluated at the time of the function invocation. If you use the
function, it happens a bit later in the recomposition. The official description:
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Declare a just-in-time composition of a Modifier that will be composed for each element it modifies. composed may be used to implement stateful modifiers that have instance-specific state for each modified element, allowing the same Modifier instance to be safely reused for multiple elements while maintaining element-specific state.
Yes, Modifiers are designed to be reusable.
is the way to create a modifier factory that will be invoked at each usage site to preserve this reusability by giving you a place to create and
point of use instance-specific information.
Can you guys elaborate on that? I'm not sure I understand what it does.
Ah, I think I understand. It lets the modifier become part of the composition, including having its own state.
right. In essence every
function (including lambdas) is a factory for instances of that content in a composition. They can be reused in multiple places and keep instance-specific state.
Modifier.composed {}
gives that same capability to modifiers and lets you assemble them into a chain with other modifiers like you would expect