Is there a way we can customise keyboard with comp...
# compose
Is there a way we can customise keyboard with compose? Not able to find any blogs related to this Thanks in advance
You can check out the “keyboardOptions” parameter for the TextField composable. It has a KeyboardType to flex things like keyboards for email, phone numbers, passwords, etc. KeyboardOptions also has fields for autoCorrect and the imeAction setting.
👍 1
There’s some brief documentation on it here:
Yeah but in my case I need to customise the keyboard by adding custom buttons, don't want to use the system keyboard, is there a way I can do it with compose?
As far as I know your app can’t alter the users keyboard beyond those settings unless you’re talking about making a keyboard app with compose.
Yes I want to create custom keyboard, with compose with limited set of numbers and characters and symbols
ah gotcha, sounds cool. That seems like something you could do in Compose, but I’m not familiar with how keyboard apps are created so can’t say for sure. Hopefully someone else knows.
You could create something that looks like a keyboard but is part of your screen. Probably just a grid with buttons. You would just need to coordinate it’s visibility with the IME.