Is there any official word on efforts to improve p...
# compose
Is there any official word on efforts to improve preview rendering times? It seems to be a pain point for many developers, especially when getting started with Compose. I'm happy to patiently wait for improvements, and I'm sure this is a priority, but it would be nice to be able to point my colleagues to a plan or roadmap, something tangible that indicates that we can expect improvements in this area. I'd also love to hear from the Jetpack team what it is exactly that contributes to slow preview rendering times, and what challenges they face in improving this.
Yes, it's the top priority for Compose tooling and we've been actively working on it to improve overall UI iteration speed. We hope to ship and stabilize these improvements in Dolphin and E.
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Thanks Chris, that’s great news. I am super interested in the details, as I’m sure many of us are. Are the tooling team willing to share any insight into how this all hangs together, and what the challenges are? Just professional curiosity..
I think they’d be open to it though not sure what form it would take, like a blog, video, post here. But I think it’s worth discussing the challenges we’ve been facing to-date
I think something like that would go a really long way. I always see a bunch of complaints and speculation (usually on /r/android) about why tools aren’t magically perfect and instantly available. I feel like a post would put a lot of that to bed and help everyone understand and appreciate the complexity of the task. You guys are doing an excellent job. I’ve been working with Android since 2012, and Compose is an absolute godsend.
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@nosuid @Anna-Chiara Bellini [G] something to consider for future talks 🙂