What are the (hidden) costs regarding performance ...
# compose
Are there specific hidden costs you’re wondering about, or just if there are any in general?
Probably the biggest one would be if you’re providing a static composition local that changes over time, because it will require every composable in the content to recompose.
I’m not aware of any significant costs to simply providing a value otherwise. Reading a non-static composition local is slightly more expensive than reading a static one, because of the read tracking involved, but it’s not something to be worried about unless your benchmarks show otherwise.
So if I update the value "during" recomposition, it will recompose the sub content too. yeah, makes sense
I think, I just have to test it 😄
Do you know a good compose profiler/benchmark tool? Besides simple measuring the time
The Jetpack Benchmark library is the best way to write benchmarks
It tries to ensure consistent measurements in various ways
Note that beyond performance questions,
can be a “dangerous” tool as it effectively create somewhat invisible dependencies
Which can make reusing composables more difficult/less obious
I know, you should avoid it. My usecase is subtree based relative routing.
Thanks for sharing Jetpack Benchmark, but is it possible to measure non ui composables?
Yes, esp. with microbenchmarks