anyone ever seen a bug with `AnimatedVisibility` w...
# compose
anyone ever seen a bug with
where, when wrapping a composable with it, the children of that composable are now backwards? what I mean is, I have this var
and if I simply have two children inside that, ComposableA and ComposableB, it works as expected.. but now I want to animate, and so I replace my check for
if isExpanded
with an
composable, and now when my children are drawn on screen, they are drawn like ComposableB then ComposableA is this a bug or am I missing something in how to use it?
Im just guessing here, but
has the concept of
which lets you decide the rendering order during the animation. By default the targetContent is laid out on top of the initialContent. The same thing could be at play here?
Can you share a code snippet and a screenshot of what you see?