Hey guys, is it possible to use Compose for Web an...
# compose
Hey guys, is it possible to use Compose for Web and have Ktor based backend on the same Netty web server instance? If I follow
I get this error:
The Compose Compiler requires the Compose Runtime to be on the class path, but none could be found
while compiling jvm target. I have compose dependencies specified only for js target, but it looks like the Compose Plugin is used for jvm and it causes the error. How could I fix that? Are there any sample projects with Compose and Ktor backend working together?
This approach works for me. What version of the compose plugin are you using?
I put the compose deps into `commonMain`:
Copy code
val commonMain by getting {
  dependencies {
@rocketraman so you are adding compose dependencies for all targets, even where it is not needed, right?
Thinking back on it, pretty sure it was to resolve the issue you raised.
@rocketraman thank you! btw, did you try to use several modules? I came across this solution here: https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-jb/issues/1568
I remember seeing that issue, but no I did not pursue the separate modules approach. Didn't seem worth it.
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If you try it, let me know if it works for you though.
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@rocketraman tried out multi module setup. It was a bit tricky, but finally it looks like it is working as expected.
👍 1
Nice, thanks for the update. Is this a project you can share? I'd love to see your gradle setup.