I have a composable function that gets 3 State<...
# compose
I have a composable function that gets 3 State<T> params. Is it better to send State/MutableState in params or the value inside them?
i thought sending the mutable/state is better since it maybe reduces the number/amount of recompositions but now my issue is that it looks like I cannot create State<T> manually to preview my composable
What does "send" mean? I think a code snippet might be necessary.
I meant function parameters
Copy code
fun ActiveStationItem(
    stationNullable: Station?,
    isPlaying: Boolean,
    playState: Int?,
    onTogglePlay: () -> Unit
) {
I have these params
Now I just send the actual Boolen, int etc variable
Ah I see. The convention is to just pass the values.
but I can also send the State
Isnt sending State/MutableState make recompositions lighter?
Don't worry about that. That's the compilers job to worry about. If the compose team recommends passing values, then they'll know to optimise for that case.
Uh okay 🤔
I thought the opposite was recommended
If you look at the material components, you'll see the same pattern of passing in values instead of State. It just makes testing easier.
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I keep meaning to add it to the compose API guidelines doc and make sure we get a lint check;
generally shouldn't appear in parameter lists. If you really find yourself in a place where you need more granular invalidations from performing a snapshot read more locally, use a
() -> T
in parameter lists discourages single source of truth vs the alternatives, and breaks usage of the property delegates
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Im glad I asked 😄 I thought the opposite up to now, will update my code
I recently made this exact same comment in a code review. I have a best practices page setup for us, and one of the first things in there after naming conventions is to pass values, not State objects to composable functions.
The longer version of the reason is, consider if the caller has a more complex state object that holds the source of truth, something like:
Copy code
class Foo {
  var someValue by mutableStateOf(...)
  // ...

class Bar(
  private val foo: Foo
) {
  val computedValue: Int
    get() = foo.someValue * 2
which of these two composables with equal snapshot invalidation characteristics is easier to call with a
Copy code
fun BazOne(
  value: () -> Int

fun BazTwo(
  value: State<Int>
With the first it's just
BazOne({ bar.computedValue })
. With the second it's
Copy code
  object : State<Int> {
    override val value: Int
      get() = bar.computedValue
generally the only times you should reach for a lambda like this without profiling first though are if you're taking a frequently changing (e.g. animating) value into a later, post-composition phase and you're trying to skip composition entirely when it changes
otherwise start with passing the parameter by value
I keep meaning to add it to the compose API guidelines doc and make sure we get a lint check;
generally shouldn’t appear in parameter lists. If you really find yourself in a place where you need more granular invalidations from performing a snapshot read more locally, use a
() -> T
Has this ever made it anywhere in the official docs so far?