Having written loads of `LaunchedEffect`s for coll...
# compose
Having written loads of `LaunchedEffect`s for collecting flows (that are not state, and no way to avoid them for now 🙃), I'm now wondering if there is any difference between one
for all of them vs one
per flow See 🧵 for example
Copy code
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
        	.onEach { /* ... */ }
        	.onEach { /* ... */ }
        	.onEach { /* ... */ }
    // OR
    LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
        	.onEach { /* ... */ }
    LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
        	.onEach { /* ... */ }
    LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
        	.onEach { /* ... */ }
Can't you just use myFlow.asState()
These flows are not state, but analytics, navigation and some project specific trickery. So nope, I unfortunately cannot do that
I think that would just result in the first flow being collected, suspending the coroutine until cancelled (or effectively, forever). Ive seen some peeps call
inside the LaunchedEffect to collect multiple flows though, but I dont know how that differs from just using multiple LaunchedEffects!
no. launchIn doesn’t suspend so its fine in that regard. idk about best practice tho
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Youre right @myanmarking! Effectively its the same thing, but shorter, than
launch { flow.collect }
i started to use launchIn instead of launch+collect in the viewModel because too many times i ‘missed’ the fact that collect will just suspend 😛 so the code next to that call was not executing. It’s stupid, but happens :p
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Since I saw
mentioned here, I feel the obligation to link this https://www.billjings.com/posts/title/avoid-launchin/?up=technical . I really liked it as an idea and I think that it has helped me make some of my code nicer. I still use it myself too, but a tiny bit less.
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I think it's best to break them up, as mentioned here, a less experienced developer might accidentally call collect instead of launchIn, and then your whole chain of effects are potentially lost
@Stylianos Gakis yes i read that post a while ago. I disagree with the autor. There are plenty of usecases for launchIn
Absolutely. Whatever works for you and your team. I just thought it’d be a perfect opportunity to introduce this point of view as well as I think it’s interesting, and I personally really like the idea of using coroutines for more than just normal RX-like async callback work. Or at least knowing that I have the possibility to do so 😉
More LaunchedEffects have slightly more overhead, otherwise these approaches are mechanically equivalent
Bill's blog post is an excellent read and a good way to calibrate your thinking when it comes to flows. The OP shows one of the exceptions that prove the rule, since it's just being used as a shortcut for launch { foo.collect... }
But it's highly likely that as code like the OP's grows over time, you will want to refactor and extract pieces of it, and launch+collect will make that a more obvious transformation than onEach+launchIn.
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If you've trained yourself to read onEach+launchIn as equivalent to launch+collect then this might not be an issue for you, but as Bill pointed out, if you haven't and you think in callbacks rather than in suspend, you'll probably find a worse way to do that refactoring