Hey folks, I’d like to follow up this post I found...
# compose
Hey folks, I’d like to follow up this post I found in search with a question: https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/CJLTWPH7S/p1637659659341600 This is most related to the issue I’m having where I can’t see previews of compose objects in XML (see attached image). We’re integrated compose into our databinding layouts and we aren’t able to get any previews. Given how
works, and points to something like:
Copy code
binding.payButtonLayout.composeButton.apply {
    setContent {
        MaterialTheme {
            Button(onClick = {}) {
                Text("My button")
I’ve tried using the
and even making my own view by inheriting from
but still no preview. Would I be correct in saying that this just isn’t possible to do? Thanks in advance!
Can you show the code of your class that extends