I have designed a custom switch in Jetpack compose...
# compose
I have designed a custom switch in Jetpack compose and not able to use it properly it is not respecting its parent and getting out of the view.
Could you move the huge code samples to a thread? (as said here)
Switch code:
Copy code
fun IOSSwitch(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    scale: Float = 2f,
    width: Dp = 36.dp,
    height: Dp = 20.dp,
    thumbSize: Dp = 2.dp,
    isSwitchOn: Boolean = false,
    rotateUp: Boolean = false,
    checkedTrackColor: Color = Color.Gray.copy(0.2f),
    uncheckedTrackColor: Color = Color.Gray.copy(0.1f),
    checkedThumbColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
    uncheckedThumbColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.surface,
    onCheckedChange: () -> Unit
) {

    // TODO optimize track color default value
    val thumbRadius = (height / 2) - thumbSize
    val animateThumb by animateFloatAsState(
        targetValue = with(LocalDensity.current) {
            if (isSwitchOn) (width - thumbRadius - thumbSize).toPx()
            else (thumbRadius + thumbSize).toPx()
        animationSpec = spring(Spring.DampingRatioHighBouncy),
    val thumbColor by animateColorAsState(
        targetValue = if (isSwitchOn) checkedThumbColor else uncheckedThumbColor,
        animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 500, easing = FastOutSlowInEasing)
    val trackColor by animateColorAsState(
        targetValue = if (isSwitchOn) checkedTrackColor else uncheckedTrackColor,
        animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 500, easing = FastOutSlowInEasing)

        modifier = modifier
            .size(width = width, height = height)
            .scale(scale = scale)
            .rotate(if (rotateUp) 270f else 0f)
            .pointerInput(Unit) {
                    onTap = {
            }.drawBehind {
                // Track
                    color = trackColor,
                    cornerRadius = CornerRadius(x = 10.dp.toPx(), y = 10.dp.toPx()),
                // Thumb
                    color = thumbColor,
                    radius = thumbRadius.toPx(),
                    center = Offset(x = animateThumb, y = size.height / 2),
                    //    style = Stroke(5f)        // Make the thumb as ring of stroke 5
Using the above compose here but not getting proper output.
Copy code
fun SettingCard(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    icon: ImageVector,
    iconColor: Color,
    title: String,
    subtitle: String,
) {

        modifier = modifier
        horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceBetween,
        verticalAlignment = <http://Alignment.Top|Alignment.Top>
    ) {
            modifier = Modifier
        ) {
//                modifier = Modifier
//                    .background(iconColor.copy(0.1f), shape = CircleShape)
//                    .padding(10.dp),
                imageVector = icon,
                tint = iconColor,
                contentDescription = title
            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.padding(20.dp))
            Text(text = title, style = MaterialTheme.typography.h6)
            Text(text = subtitle, style = MaterialTheme.typography.caption)
            rotateUp = true,
            isSwitchOn = true
        ) {

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Have you tried going with 90 degrees instead of 270, how does that look? Also have you tried going with a Canvas instead of a
? Any changes then?
Yes I have tried both but not worked I used Box instead of Canvas because I was thinking I will respect its parent and will not go outside but not worked. I want this design
But i want to tell you after setting scale to 1f in IOSwitch there is some improvement but not perfect.