After upgrading to `lifecycle-viewmodel:2.5.0-alph...
# compose
After upgrading to
I’m getting compile errors on classes that inherit from `ViewModelProvider.Factory`:
Inheritance from an interface with ‘@JvmDefault’ members is only allowed with -Xjvm-default option
I’ve tried fiddling all
options but the error does not go away. Anyone had the same trouble?
Oooh. I Just got this too after updating. Any luck yet @julioromano?
nope 1
The only additional info I could find is here where there are more option on that flag, but I tried setting them all with no luck. 🤷
think I figured it out. In the module with the problematic code... add
Copy code
tasks.withType<org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile> {
    kotlinOptions {
        freeCompilerArgs += "-Xjvm-default=enable"
Weird, I tried that too and it kept failing. In the end I reverted to 2.4.0 🤷
I initially put it in my root build.gradle and it didn't work. If you put it in your root you have to surround it with subProjects
Also, be sure to have
(which I know you said you tried. just highlighting for others in the future)