Hey everyone, I'm working on a Cookbook app, and ...
# compose
Hey everyone, I'm working on a Cookbook app, and need a little guidance on what type to look into and research. On the "recipe details" screen I am making a swipeable tabbed layout one tab is ingredients the other tab is the steps to follow. How can I use the same composable too display the list of ingredients and steps on the details screen as the add recipe screen? Obviously build the composable with a plus sign icon to add a new ingredient/step and a minus and pencil icon button to remove or edit info and hide it dependent on if it is the details screen or add screen. But how would i check the state? Would i use the navcontroller or would it be better pass that info ass a parameter? Of course I could make two composables, I'm just trying to think in compose for this project.
need a little guidance on what type to look into and research.
Not sure I understand?
I am making a swipeable tabbed layout one tab is ingredients the other tab is the steps to follow. How can I use the same composable too display the list of ingredients and steps on the details screen as the add recipe screen?
I don't really follow. Maybe it's because I don't know how your recipe app works? Do you maybe have a generic example to look at? Example: Instead of us having to understand how your recipe app works, you could say something like "I have ComposableScreenA and ComposableScreenB, how can I pass data from ScreenA to ScreenB?"