I have a string resource that has some html tags i...
# compose
I have a string resource that has some html tags in it. Ex.
"This is a <b>bold</b> text."
In View world I was able to directly use this resource and put it in a TextView as it accepts a
for text. In Compose, however, I need to create an
out of this resource to display it in a Text composable. How to do this?
You can write parser
I've written a library for displaying these kinds of formatted strings that you may find helpful https://github.com/copper-leaf/thistle
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I used this SO answer, which has a file you can simply drop into your project: https://stackoverflow.com/a/68241339/1622788
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you would write
Text("This is a <b>bold</b> text.".parseHtml())
I think Zach K worked on some sort of html parser or something that he handed off to some other community member here. I know that's not necessarily helpful, but I could've sworn that he worked on something like that before joining the Compose team. lol