I have made use of lazyColumn to display a list of...
# compose
I have made use of lazyColumn to display a list of data and now want to show a popup menu after clicking a triple dot button in individual row just below itself but I want the dropdown to close in case the user presses anywhere outside the dropdown for ex: clicking another row’s button. I see a lot of examples to individually show either lazyColumn or dropdown but none that combines both. Can anyone help out?
You can create the drop-down inside the lazy column, set focusable to true and use the dismissed handler.
@Dominaezzz So I am able to show the dropdown but it’s not showing beneath the popup button. Is there any way to make it do that?
Implement the position provider and give it to the drop-down.
I think there's an existing one that does what you want but I can't check at work rn.
Thanks again @Dominaezzz for helping me out. It’s working now.